JudgeCast #257 – Returning Mechanics in Modern Horizons 2

In a precursor to the Modern Horizons 2 Release Notes episode, Bryan and Samma go over the returning mechanics in the latest set. All the way from Aftermath to Unearth, we go into more detail than you probably needed to know, all in a quest to make next episode not be 3 hours long.


JudgeCast #115 – Dragons of Tabakir Release Notes Part 1

On this super-special episode we have Magic Rules Manager and all around tall dude Matt Tabak on to talk about the Dragons of Tarkir release notes!

We’ve split the notes into two episodes. In this one, you’ll find a discussion of Matt’s career at Wizards of the Coast, some forced Gummi Bear references, and we go over the new mechanics in Dragons of Tarkir.

Release notes: http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/feature/dragons-tarkir-release-notes-2015-03-18

Matt’s Tumblr: http://tabakrules.tumblr.com/

Matt’s previous episode: https://judgecast.com/?p=581


JudgeCast #110 – FAQ Reforged

It’s manifesting time!

Just doesn’t have the same ring as morphin’ time. Sad.

On this episode, we cover the FAQ for Fate Reforged. We cover some specific cards and go over the new rules for Dash, Bolster, and everyone’s favorite new boogeyman, Manifest.

Fate Reforged Release Notes: http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/feature/fate-reforged-release-notes-2015-01-14
