JudgeCast #257 – Returning Mechanics in Modern Horizons 2

In a precursor to the Modern Horizons 2 Release Notes episode, Bryan and Samma go over the returning mechanics in the latest set. All the way from Aftermath to Unearth, we go into more detail than you probably needed to know, all in a quest to make next episode not be 3 hours long.


JudgeCast #121 – Mastering Modern Masters 2015 Edition

On this episode, we have special guest David Greene on (Of Judge’s Corner fame!) to help us cover most of the abilities and many of the cards in Modern Masters.

We put a little bit of extra focus on these cards at Competitive REL to help you get prepared for GP Vegas!

Modern Masters 2015 Release Notes: http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/feature/modern-masters-2015-edition-release-notes-2015-05-12

Judge’s Corner: http://www.gatheringmagic.com/author/judgescorner/

Nathan Long’s in-depth article on Modern Masters rules: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/articles/2015/05/22/modern-rules-problems-going-through-modern-masters-2015/

Card Advantage’s episode about the previous GP Vegas: http://www.cardadvantagecast.com/2015/04/10/episode-085-does-it-have-cascade/
