JudgeCast #38 – As Easy as PCV

JudgeCast welcomes a third host to the mix!  You’ll never guess who it is (Hint: His name rhymes with Lion Frillapan).  We talk about our prerelease experiences and other news.

Do you know the difference between free, derived, and private information?  Do you know what to do when a player doesn’t know?  We talk about player communication and the penalties who love them, including possibly the most misgiven penalty in the Infraction Procedure Guide: Player Communication Violation.

As always, we read mail from YOU, our loyal listeners, and announce a brand new contest!  Want to win a shiny judge foilVendilion Clique?  Listen to find out how!

Links from the show:
AVR FAQ –  http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Magazine/Article.aspx?x=mtg%2Fdaily%2Fftl%2F191
Eureka –  gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=159300
Judge Booklet – judgebooklet.com
Magic Judges twitter –  https://twitter.com/#!/magicjudges
Rules Tip Blog –  http://blogs.magicjudges.org/rulestips/
Rules Tip Twitter – https://twitter.com/#!/mtgrulestips
