JudgeCast #166 – JudgeCast of the Week and CJ’s Farewell

On this episode, we have special guest and representative of Judge of the Week Jacob Milicic on to interview us for Judge of the Week! You can consider a future Judge of the Week spoiled!

Jacob asks us a fantastic range of questions, including how we got started, what we do to edit, if each of us was to name a Magic card to represent the others what would it be, and we talk about our future as well.

This is also CJ’s final episode on JudgeCast. Hard to believe it’s over. I (yes I’m swapping from third person to first person you’ll be fine) kinda rambled at the end of the episode and I didn’t really have my thoughts straight, so here’s one last opportunity to correct that.

Thank you so much to the fans of JudgeCast! Each and every one of you I’ve met has made events better, and I really appreciate it. I also appreciate all the e-mails, facebook posts, tweets, and the support we’ve gotten over the past 5 years.

And thank you so much to Jess and Bryan. They give me a lot of credit in the episode, but the reality is the show wouldn’t be the show without the two of them. I wouldn’t have wanted to do it with anyone else.

So thank you everyone, and be excited for what JudgeCast has in store for the future! I’m excited to be listening right along side of you.

Links from the show:

Judge of the Week: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/jotw/

Feedback Loop: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/feedback/

Our theme music! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a0pplmtW6w


JudgeCast #165 – Aether Revolt Policy Updates

On this episode, we cover quite a bit of news and policy updates! So much, that we have to bring special guest Erik Aliff on to help! Some mysterious changes to hidden card error, some tweaks to looking at extra cards, and some exciting changes to deck decklist error! If you’re not excited about minor policy tweaks then honestly what can you be excited for?

We also cover some changes in the MTR, like the new “you can only pile shuffle at the start of a game” rule.

And we read a few policy related e-mails from listeners just like you or who are you.

Links from the show:

Toby’s blog about changes: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/telliott/2017/01/16/policy-changes-for-aether-revolt/

Article about MTR updates: http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/news/magic-tournament-rules-release-notes-2017-01-16

Great page about disqualifications: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/o/disqualification-process/


JudgeCast #162 – E-mail Soul Brother

On this episode, we take the time to go over listener e-mails! We cover rules, policy, and some mysterious “other” questions. The mysteries of transform are revealed, and how many Emrakuls are too many Emrakuls? Also, everyone’s second favorite weird red card Illicit Auction is here (the first favorite is of course Goblin Game).

This episode may hold the record for our shortest ever (but maybe not)…and it may also hold the record for longest amount of bonus material after the episode is done. In other words, this episode was so rubber.

Links from the show:





JudgeCast #161 – Head Judging Your First PPTQ

We combine our deep and vast wealth of knowledge to talk about all the “other” stuff you need to know to head judge your first PPTQ. Sure, you know there are 50 minute rounds with a 40 minute minimum. But what do you do before the day of the event to prepare? When do you show up? What should you bring and what should you make sure the TO has? How should you handle player seatings and top 8? All this and so much more in this action packed episode!

Episode on HJ Announcements: https://judgecast.com/?p=982


JudgeCast #160 – Do You Copy Copy

On this episode, the three amigos cover everything anyone could ever want to know about copy effects. If by the end of this there is some corner of copy effects you don’t understand, then you just weren’t listening.
On this episode, the three amigos cover everything anyone could ever want to know about copy effects. If by the end of this there is some corner of copy effects you don’t understand, then you just weren’t listening.
(By the way, you’re going to want this: Mirrorweave – Each other creature becomes a copy of target nonlegendary creature until end of turn.)

Got a rules question, comment, concern? E-mail us at judgecast@gmail.com

Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/judgecast
Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/judgecast

JudgeCast #158 – Work/Judge/Life/Player Balance with Nik Zitomer

It’s important, when you have a podcast, to come up with great memorable titles for your episodes.

On this episode, we have fungus expert, L2, and prolific judge blogger Nik Zitomer on to talk about balancing out your work, judging, playing, and family life. We also talk about some of the advantages that Magic can give in all of those!

Nik’s article on the topic: https://theelvishfarmer.wordpress.com/2016/07/11/magic-the-balancing-judging-family-and-career/



JudgeCast #157 – L2 IPG Tester Coordinator

We spend this episode going over a mish-mash of policy updates and news!

First, we cover some of the new IPG updates. Nothing earth-shattering, but some new changes to HCE, tweaks to Missed Trigger, some clarifications on DDLP downgrades, and some changes to the MTR which apparently ruined Magic!

After that we cover the L2 Tester position and how you can certify for it. We also welcome a new Program Coordinator to the program!

Toby’s Description of Changes: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/telliott/2016/09/26/policy-changes-for-kaladesh/

L2 Tester: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/blog/2016/09/29/announcing-the-level-2-tester-certification/

New PC: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/coordinators/2016/09/30/your-new-program-coordinator/


JudgeCast #156 – Kaladesh Release Notes with Tabak and Mox

Tabak and Mox, attorneys at law.

Tabak and Mox, chefs extraordinaire.

Tabak and Mox, crime fighting duo.

Whatever they may be to you, we have Matt Tabak (Some random editor at WotC who would agree to be on. I think he writes some stories on the website?), Sara Mox (The judge manager at WotC and contender for #1 fan of the show), and a silent and mysterious Kayla (who attempts to, behind the scenes, reign the first two in but also knows deep in her heart that it is impossible) on the show to talk about the release notes for Kaladesh!

With this much greatness on, something had to give and CJ was not able to make this episode and he’s deeply sad about it. You won’t notice him missing though. HIS COHOSTS SURE DIDN’T NOR DO THEY MENTION IT AND THEY QUICKLY REPLACE HIM.

Oh yeah. Kaladesh. We go over the new mechanics! We talk card by card for the cards of interest! I’m told there is some form of wrestling game in the middle for some reason!

Warning: If you’re not someone who enjoys shows where we have fun, this might not be the episode for you. You can jump in 21 minutes to where mechanics talk starts.

Matt’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/tabakrules

Matt’s Tumblr: http://tabakrules.tumblr.com/

Sara’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/serranalaar

ExtraLife Charity: http://tinyurl.com/magicextralife

This link too why not: http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/making-magic/ramp-approval-2016-05-16

And finally, the release notes: http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/feature/kaladesh-release-notes-2016-09-16

* Matt doesn’t have a pinterest…I think.


JudgeCast #155 – Pregaming It

On this episode, we cover the pregame procedure!

You already know the pregame procedure, you say? Just listen and see, I have a feeling you’ll learn something that surprises you.

We also cover everything that can go wrong in the pregame procedure, and occasionally a quick overview on how to fix it. There’s a lot that can go wrong for something that’s done so often!

We also cover some modifications to the L2 “checklist,” and talk about how to become get the L2 Team Leader Certification.

L2 Changes: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/blog/2016/08/30/the-level-2-in-the-nnwo/

L2 Team Leader Certification: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/blog/2016/08/15/the-level-2-team-leader-certification/
