JudgeCast #256 – MDFCs: Modal Double-Faced Chats

Join Bryan and Samma as they talk about the hot new mechanic of the past year that wasn’t: Modal Double-Faced Cards. You know, those cards that look like Transform cards but aren’t, but still make you avoid yellow sleeves.
We break down when you can cast or play the different sides, how they work with Cascade and Transform, searching and flicker effects, as well as talk a little about policy around them.


JudgeCast #255 – Catching up on the Year That Wasn’t

In this episode Bryan and Samma catch up on whats been happening with Judging during the pandemic, as well as discuss what they have (or haven’t) been doing to stay current.  We also talk about resources that might help you start to get your judge legs back under you.


L2 and L3 Content has been uploaded at: https://judgeacademy.com/

Shirts and Name Badges https://mtgproshop.com/judge-academy/

Rules Questions: Cranial Insertion | Welcome to Cranial Insertion!

More Rules Questions: RulesGuru

Diffs of Rules and Tournament Docs: Venser’s Journal (vensersjournal.com)

Rules Q&A: Magic the Gathering Judge Rules Q&A Chat | MagicJudges.org

Annotated IPG:- Magic Infraction Procedure Guide – Rules Resources (magicjudges.org)
