JudgeCast #84 – Born of the Gods FAQ

Everything you need to know about Born of the Gods to prepare for your prerelease! We cover such exciting topics as tribute! Inspired! Devotion to multiple colors! That weird chimera that swaps things!

So exciting!

Also, a huge congratulations to Jess Dunks on making Level 3! What a heroic accomplishment, truly inspired. So much devotion to being a judge, it’s really a monstrous feat. We should all pay him tribute.

FAQ: http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Magazine/Article.aspx?x=mtg/faq/bng


JudgeCast #83 – Cut Short

On this episode we cover Tournament Shortcuts! These are used in almost every single game, yet many players aren’t even aware they are using them.

We additionally have special guest Paul Baranay (L2 judge and all around Harvard superstar) on to help us out!

You can find the shortcuts in the Magic Tournament Rules at judgecast.com/docs

Paul Baranay’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/twotwobearz

Magic Judge Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/mtgjudge
