JudgeCast #111 – Sylva Linings Investigationsbook

(You know, like the movie)

On this episode, we have L4 and charity playmat star Jared Sylva on to discuss investigations! And not just the cheaty-kind too, but what it means to walk up on a table blind and determine what went wrong and how to fix it.

We also cover the sparse IPG changes and some minor changes to supplementals.

New IPG can always be found at judgecast.com/docs

Investigations, the Search for Collateral Truths by Eric Shukan

Part 1 – http://blogs.magicjudges.org/articles/2014/12/30/investigations-the-search-for-collateral-truths/

Part 2 – http://blogs.magicjudges.org/articles/2015/01/06/investigations-the-search-for-collateral-truths-part-2/

Part 3 – http://blogs.magicjudges.org/articles/2015/01/13/investigations-the-search-for-collateral-truths-part-3/

Episode on investigations with Eric Levine – https://judgecast.com/?p=408

Jared’s Twitter – https://twitter.com/jaredsylva

Judges for Charity playmat featuring Jared – http://judgesforcharity.com/product/team-dapper-vs-team-handsome-playmat/


JudgeCast #110 – FAQ Reforged

It’s manifesting time!

Just doesn’t have the same ring as morphin’ time. Sad.

On this episode, we cover the FAQ for Fate Reforged. We cover some specific cards and go over the new rules for Dash, Bolster, and everyone’s favorite new boogeyman, Manifest.

Fate Reforged Release Notes: http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/feature/fate-reforged-release-notes-2015-01-14


JudgeCast #109 – More FNM Format Fun

This is another part in our series on all the newly legal FNM formats, and how to play them and judge them!

In this episode, we’re able to cover the relatively-new Tiny Leaders format, Wizard’s Tower, Emperor, Star, Archenemy, Planechase, and even throw in Grand Melee for good measure. We hope you never have to judge any of these formats, but if you do, you should be prepared.

Links from the show:

Tiny Leaders rules and banlist

Wizard’s Tower rules

Star rules

Changes to L3 Qualities

CJ’s guest appearance on Leaving a Legacy
