JudgeCast #90 – Journey into FAQ

On this super-special episode, we strive (see what I did there) to bring you all the interesting and relevant interactions in Journey Into Nyx! We cover the FAQ in just-enough depth.

Links from the show:

The FAQ: http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Magazine/Article.aspx?x=mtg/faq/jou

Judge Classes: http://wiki.magicjudges.org/en/w/Judge_Classes

Annotated IPG: http://wiki.magicjudges.org/en/w/Annotated_IPG

Contact information:

E-mail: judgecast@gmail.com

Twitter: twitter.com/judgecast

Facebook: facebook.com/judgecast


JudgeCast #89 – A Type-ical Episode (Part 2)

On this, our second part of our two part series on types, we cover Subtypes and type-changing effects in detail! This podcast is not a trap and there is nothing arcane about it.

Uhh…curse your gated shrines? Urza’s? This joke is not as easy with Subtypes as it was on episode 88 (Which you should listen to first before listening to this one!)

Also, be sure to listen after “the credits” for One Weird Tip a local mom discovered on how to increase the quality of your podcast audio!

Links from the show:

SCG’s rewards changes: http://www.starcitygames.com/news/293_Judge+Rewards+Page+Relaunch+and+Judge+Compensation+Changes

The episode of Card Advantage with CJ on it: http://www.cardadvantagecast.com/2014/04/02/episode-053-a-theros-guide-to-planeswalkers/

