JudgeCast #204 – Magic 2019 Core Set

Prepare for your prerelease! There are no new mechanics, but there are plenty of fun interactions still to be had as we peruse the most interesting cards from the Magic 2019 Core Set release notes!

Stuff we talked about:
Lots of cards from the Release Notes: https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/feature/core-set-2019-release-notes-2018-06-22

JudgeCast Layers episodes:
#197 – https://judgecast.com/archives/1245
#199 – https://judgecast.com/archives/1257


JudgeCast #198 – Dominaria Release Notes!

The rules are changing, but the sky isn’t falling. Along with new mechanics and weird cards, Dominaria brings with it rules changes that have caused the errata of many, many Magic cards. Additionally, we go card-by-card over some of the most interesting interactions in the set. Listen in as we explain it all!

Dominaria Release Notes (.docx): http://media.wizards.com/2018/downloads/DOM_Release_Notes/EN_MTGDOM_ReleaseNotes.docx

Dominaria templating changes: https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/news/dominaria-frame-template-and-rules-changes-2018-03-21

Dominaria Comprehensive Rules Changes: https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/news/dominaria-comprehensive-rules-changes-2018-04-13

Dominaria Oracle Text Changes https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/news/dominaria-oracle-changes-2018-04-13


JudgeCast #188 – Wait, Wait, Don’t Spell Me

CJ Shrader joins us as Brogan hosts JudgeCast’s new game show, “Wait, Wait, Don’t Spell Me.” She asks the team questions about Unstable mechanics and cards, and the team gives their best answer (along with some not so accurate ones).  Check it out!

Unstable Release Notes: https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/news/unstable-faqawaslfaqpaftidawabiajtbt-2017-11-22


JudgeCast #182 – Ixalan Release Notes

Vampires and Pirates and Dinosaurs, oh my! Let’s walk the dinosaur together as we prepare for Ixalan prerelease weekend with a review the new mechanics rules changes, and most interesting new cards from Ixalan.

You can check out the official release notes here: https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/feature/ixalan-release-notes-2017-09-15


JudgeCast #171 – AlmondCat Release Notes

We are once again joined by Brogan King as we talk about the newest Magic set, AlmondCat! Oh wait… Amonkhet! Yeah, that one. We discuss the mechanics, what we love, what we hate, and some Madness Weirdness. And, of course, we go through a ton of interesting cards and rules interactions.

Amonkhet Release Notes: http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/feature/amonkhet-release-notes-2017-04-14


JudgeCast #151 – Eldritch Moon Release Notes

As per the pact made with 4 demons, we are back yet again with another Release Notes episode! We cover our top picks of cards that we think are interesting rules-wise or maybe just interesting.

We seem to really like cards that make spirits, and we make sure everyone knows a new card isn’t a one-turn-kill. Oh and Emrakul. That wily Emrakul.

Release Notes: https://judgecast.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/JudgeCast_151.mp3


JudgeCast #129 – Battle for Zendikar Release Notes Awokened!

In our quarterly tradition, we’re back with an episode all about the Battle for Zendikar release notes! We cover every mechanic in depth, and pick out the juiciest looking cards to give you a boost for playing in and judging your prerelease.

Want to learn how Awakening a spell might not always be the best move? How about how it interacts with manlands? How colorless is devoid? Converge, what’s the deal with that? How to handle “processing” when there are multiple piles of facedown exiled cards, I know that’s been eating away at you.

Come for the knowledge, stay for the awkward segues!

Release notes: http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/feature/battle-zendikar-release-notes-2015-09-23


JudgeCast #116 – Dragons of Tabakir Release Notes Part 2

Part 2 of our episodes on the Dragons of Tarkir release notes! We cover the rulings on some individual cards, with some behind-the-scenes looks thanks to our returning guest Matt Tabak!

Release Notes: http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/feature/dragons-tarkir-release-notes-2015-03-18

Fblthp Walking the Planes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF7l4gkOekY


JudgeCast #115 – Dragons of Tabakir Release Notes Part 1

On this super-special episode we have Magic Rules Manager and all around tall dude Matt Tabak on to talk about the Dragons of Tarkir release notes!

We’ve split the notes into two episodes. In this one, you’ll find a discussion of Matt’s career at Wizards of the Coast, some forced Gummi Bear references, and we go over the new mechanics in Dragons of Tarkir.

Release notes: http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/feature/dragons-tarkir-release-notes-2015-03-18

Matt’s Tumblr: http://tabakrules.tumblr.com/

Matt’s previous episode: https://judgecast.com/?p=581
