JudgeCast #119 – Broganlord Brolumbro and other stories

We dedicate this episode to e-mails! We get caught up on a bunch, covering such topics as: What to do when a judge is wrong, rules questions with Dragonlord Silumgar, what is rotting in Jess’s fridge, assorted additional rules questions, and whether or not you can register in two different events. Plus much more!

We also take a few minutes to talk about the brand new Magic Judge Hall of Fame!

Knowledge Pool Scenario: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/knowledgepool/2013/06/05/the-devil-in-the-details/

Judge Feedback Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1d01SoySBQxdhfv67yQhl2Sp7Zq9Ung9NDwjwekdqf1Q/viewform

Hall of Fame Announcement: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/hof/2015/04/24/announcing-the-judge-hall-of-fame/


JudgeCast #118 – Missed Triggertunities

The definitive episode on missed triggers! How to recognize them, how to tell whether or not one was missed, and what to do after you know one was missed. CJ was sick so we have special guest and former host Riki Hayashi on to fill in.

We also break our usual policy of not discussing the “hot-button” issues of the week and spend some time talking about the Patrick Chapin upgraded GRV ruling at the Pro Tour.

Links from the show:

Toby Elliott posting about Missed Trigger: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/telliott/2015/03/23/dtk-policy-changes-for-judges/

Annotated IPG about Missed Trigger: http://wiki.magicjudges.org/en/w/Annotated_IPG/Missed_Trigger

Riki’s Article on Whisperwood Elemental: http://mtgrikipedia.blogspot.com/2015/04/is-it-missed-4-whisperwood-elemental.html

Cedric Phllips’s Article about Chapin: http://www.starcitygames.com/article/30641_On-Patrick-Chapin-Round-Six-And-The-Importance-Of-First-Impressions.html


JudgeCast #117 – TO Talk with Turner

We have our very own April Fool on, L3 and RC Justin Turner, to talk about how to talk to a TO when you’re new in town. We cover such topics like how to show you add value to the TO, how to ingrain yourself as the judge for that TO’s store, compensation, and what to do if they store already has a judge. These are the types of things that apply to more than just judging at the store level!

We also cover some of the changes from the newest IPG. Listen and let the smooth sounds of Florida crickets put you to sleep as Justin Turner explains it all.

New IPG Changes: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/telliott/2015/03/23/dtk-policy-changes-for-judges/

Judge Classes: http://wiki.magicjudges.org/en/w/Judge_Classes
