JudgeCast #165 – Aether Revolt Policy Updates

On this episode, we cover quite a bit of news and policy updates! So much, that we have to bring special guest Erik Aliff on to help! Some mysterious changes to hidden card error, some tweaks to looking at extra cards, and some exciting changes to deck decklist error! If you’re not excited about minor policy tweaks then honestly what can you be excited for?

We also cover some changes in the MTR, like the new “you can only pile shuffle at the start of a game” rule.

And we read a few policy related e-mails from listeners just like you or who are you.

Links from the show:

Toby’s blog about changes: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/telliott/2017/01/16/policy-changes-for-aether-revolt/

Article about MTR updates: http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/news/magic-tournament-rules-release-notes-2017-01-16

Great page about disqualifications: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/o/disqualification-process/


JudgeCast #164 – Aether Revolt Release Notes

We’re back with the Aether Revolt release notes episode, and this time we’re joined by judge Amanda Coots, who helps us go over the mechanics and favorite cards from the new set. She also tells us what it’s like when the rodeo’s in town.

Oh and Emrakul was banned. That wily Emrakul.

Here’s the full release notes for your reading pleasure:
