JudgeCast #154 – Conspiracy: Take the Release Notes

We talk about the newest Conspiracy set!

We discuss what Conspiracy is and what to look out for, and give a brief refresher on multiplayer rules. We then cover the new mechanics, including the king of all new mechanics: Monarch! We fight over the pronunciation of melee and goad each other over the pronunciation of orchard.

We then go over some of the more interesting cards and conspiracies in the set, and make Ghostbusters 2 references.

Release Notes: http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/feature/conspiracy-take-crown-release-notes-2016-08-22


JudgeCast #153 – Answering Letterrrrs

We have L2, frequent e-mailer, and pirate aficionado Kali Rainwater to help us get through our backlog of e-mails.

We cover policy questions like how to handle if someone actually drew out of their sideboard, or if you can scry 3 infinite times to order your library.

On the rules front we cover a ton of cards from Eldritch Moon and some wacky Blood Moon shenanigans, among others. We even have a special sidebar on what’s apparently the most confusing card in Standard: Spell Queller.

We even have some great discussions on what it means to be an L2, how to handle counterfeits, and what to do when you make an incorrect ruling.

Kali’s Blog: http://masteringcommander.com/
