JudgeCast #169 – Overviewing Reviews

Join us in talking to Brogan King, an admin of the Review Revue Facebook Group. We talk about that project and reviews generally. This includes what a judge review is, how to access them, and the different kinds of reviews judges write. We also speak a little about the basic dos and don’ts of writing reviews. We’ll tackle deeper review topics, such as gathering feedback for a review at an event, in a later episode.

The Review Revue: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1720829451483343/

Reviews (requires JudgeApps login): https://apps.magicjudges.org/reviews

Investigations (requires JudgeApps login): http://www.judgeapps.com/investigations


JudgeCast #168 – This One’s a Classic! (Or at least it’s about one)

Welcome back our Judge of the Week interviewer and level 2 judge Jacob Milicic (From episode #166) to talk about his experience Head Judging a recent StarCityGames.com Classic event. We ask him a lot of questions and get even more answers. How did his judge career get to this point? What did he do to prepare? How did he even get on a list to do that?  Is the proper plural of staff “staves”?

Find out more about Tour events at StarCityGames.com/content/scgtour. (We’re not affiliated with them, it’s just topical)
