JudgeCast #147 – State Based Action Sanitation Workers

Much like SBAs, we post every time you’re about to get priority.

That makes no sense.

But we’re here and covering State Based Actions again! Learn all about these little critters that help keep the game clean and fresh.

GP Charlotte SK Article: http://www.mtgscorekeeper.com/2016/05/gp-charlotte-2016-saturday.html

Why does Bryan hate CJ?



JudgeCast #146 – E-mails Featuring Daniels

We’re back with another e-mail episode! We cover a variety of rules topics and touch on a couple of policy questions as well. How does converge work with clones? How much information is too much on the back of a match slip? Who is our most prolific e-mailer? Can we ever be wrong in an answer?

These questions and more are answered on this very special episode!
