JudgeCast #328 Meta Drama or Betta’ Drama?

Judges are not immune to twitter drama. We get sucked in the same way players do when there is a post about a potentially bad judge call. In this episode, Bryan, Charles, and Marcos talk about how judges respond when we hear about an issue on social media, and how we go about trying to figure out what really happened, and how we attempt to reconcile the player version of the story with what we know about policy. We also discuss why judges typically don’t make comments about contentious calls. It’s a very meta episode.


JudgeCast #327 – CEDH – It was bound to happen eventually

Join Bryan, Charles, and Marcos as we discuss the up-and-coming format cEDH. That’s Competitive Elder Dragon Highlander to the uninitiated. However, to do that we bring on Michael Arrowsmith, also known as Baldy, to go over what the format is, how it’s different from commander and the various logistical challenges that might arise at a cEDH tournament from the Judges perspective.

Baldy’s Spice shop: baldysblends.com
MTR-A & IPG-A: Comp Rel MTR/IPG Addendum for Commander Events
Monarch Policy Documents: https://www.monarch.cards/policy-documents
Command Tower Software: https://topdeck.gg/subscribe
