JudgeCast #98 – Sky Is Not Falling Edition Part 2 – Foil Foil Toil and Trouble

It’s been an eventful month for judges! On this episode we have special guest Joe “Hugho” Hughto on to discuss all the changes coming down the pipe. We cover the Exemplar program, additional GPs coming to town, the changes to the PTQ structure, and, of course, the removal of judge foils from GPs.

We also take the opportunity to get caught up on e-mails from listeners just like you.

Links from the show:

Exemplar Program: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/blog/2014/07/28/exemplar-program/

Lems’s Article about the Exemplar Program: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/lems/2014/07/28/the-magic-judge-exemplar-program/

Turner’s Article about the Loss of Foils: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/turner/2014/07/29/turn-down-foils-for-what/

Organized Play Changes: http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/2014-2015-premier-play-updates-2014-07-29


JudgeCast #97 – Sky Is Not Falling Edition – L2 Redefinition and New IPG

There’s been so much happening over the past few weeks!

On this episode the judgefellas have special guest Justin Turner (L3 and RC) on to talk about some big changes to the judge program.

We go into the L2 redefinition in depth. Why did it change, what do L1s looking to become L2 need to do now, and even what do existing L2s need to do to remain L2?

We also cover the new IPG. Listen to exciting changes/clarifications to Improper Draw at Start of Game, Game Rule Violation, Deck/Decklist Problem, and the expanded and upgraded version of Unsporting Conduct – Major

Links from the show:

L2 Redefinition – http://apps.magicjudges.org/forum/topic/11108/

IPG – http://wpn.wizards.com/sites/wpn/files/attachements/mtg_ipg_18july14_en.pdf

MTR – http://wpn.wizards.com/sites/wpn/files/attachements/mtg_mtr_18jul14_en.pdf

JAR – http://wpn.wizards.com/sites/wpn/files/attachements/mtg_jar_18jul14_en.pdf

Toby’s Article on the IPG – http://blogs.magicjudges.org/blog/2014/07/14/m15-policy-changes/

Kim’s Article on the JAR – http://blogs.magicjudges.org/regular/2014/07/15/jar-update/

Chewie’s Kickstarter – https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/themanapool/the-mana-pool-mtg-merchandise-videos-podcasts-and?ref=nav_search

Mameshiba (Everyone needs this) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjsZbnTNB8c


JudgeCast #95 – What To Suspend When You’re Suspended

We discuss the disqualification process from start to finish, including the paperwork a judge needs to do and what happens after they pass it off. And because we don’t know what happens after the judge passes it off, we have very special guests Eric “Toucan” Shukan (head of the Investigations Committee) and Guillaume Beuzelin (also of the Investigations Committee) on to discuss the process entirely.

(Unfortunately, Jess’s audio gets weird as the episode progresses. We apologize for that, it hopefully won’t happen again and does not take away from the great information in the show)

The Mana Pool’s Kickstarter:

