JudgeCast #312 – Marky Marked Cards and the Funky Bunch

In this episode, Bryan, Charles, and Mark talk about the rules and policies around Marked Cards. Do you ever wonder what the criteria for an upgrade is? How to protect yourself as a player? What to look for as a judge? Are all foils inherently marked? Join us as we take a guided tour through all these questions and more.

JudgeCast Discord: https://discord.gg/hQd48guKFR


JudgeCast #177 – Learning About Learning

In this episode, we talk about the state of judge testing, some styles of learning, and how one can study and prepare for tests without being able to spam practice tests. In addition to JudgeCast, we talk about lots of other resources for judges to learn from. We end the episode by discussing the list of things you need to know to pass the Level 1 and Level 2 exams.

Resources discussed in this episode:

Rules Documents:
Basic Rulebook and Comp Rules
(PDF/TXT Formats)
Comp Rules (Hyperlinked; Good for reference)
WPN Doc Center (IPG, MTR, JAR, etc)
Annotated IPG
Annotated MTR

Other Learning Resources:
Knowledge Pool (Weekly Policy Scenarios)
Cranial Insertion (Weekly Rules Articles)
Mystical Tutor (Judge Classes and Presentations)
Judge School (Available in English, French, Russian, Spanish, and Polish)
Jueces en Vivo (Spanish Language Latin American Judge Podcast)

Exam Information:
Level One Exam
Level Two Exam


JudgeCast # 172 – Amonkhet Policy Updates

There’s a lot to go over in this policy episode, but first we introduce the newest regular co-host of JudgeCast. Please welcome Brogan King back to the show for her first episode as a full-fledged co-host!

The MTR, the IPG, the combat shortcut, and decklist problems. Also deck problems.  Wait, what? There’s two of them now?  Find out about all of this and more on this episode of JudgeCast!

You can always find the most recent policy docs at our JudgeCast policy redirect: https://judgecast.com/docs.

Toby Elliot’s Amonkhet Policy Update Blog:

Toby Elliot’s Combat Shortcut Examples:


JudgeCast #138A – Legends of the Hidden Card Error

A new IPG is out, and with it some new changes!

The most major is Hidden Card Error, which we cover in detail here. What is it? When to apply it? And examples galore abound!

There are also some small tweaks to GRV and D/DLP, and we cover those as well.

Toby released two articles on the changes:

OGW Policy Changes

The Hidden Corners of HCE

And you can always find the latest policy documents at judgecast.com/docs


JudgeCast #130 – The Ever-Expanding DEC (and friends!)

On this episode, we cover the brand new IPG in all its glory! We take another deep dive into the changes made for DEC, talk about handling scry with mulligans (And a new tournament shortcut built around scry), and a bunch of miscellaneous changes up to and including it now being illegal to bribe a judge!

New IPG: http://wpn.wizards.com/sites/wpn/files/attachements/mtg_ipg_02oct15_en.pdf

Article on Changes: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/telliott/2015/09/28/bfz-policy-changes/

Article about Scrying Improperly During Mulligans: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/telliott/2015/10/03/the-forbidden-look/


JudgeCast #122 – GP Vegas Debrief

On this very special episode, we have Toby Elliott (one of the many head judges of GP Vegas, L5, and all around swell guy) on to give us a debrief of GP Vegas. We talk about some of the planning that went in from a head judge perspective, some of the problem cards from the event, and even talk about a ruling Toby had that he’d never had before.

We also read a few policy-based e-mails, and one single e-mail about everyone’s favorite card: Precursor Golem.

Toby’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/tobyelliott

Toby’s Blog: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/telliott/


JudgeCast #118 – Missed Triggertunities

The definitive episode on missed triggers! How to recognize them, how to tell whether or not one was missed, and what to do after you know one was missed. CJ was sick so we have special guest and former host Riki Hayashi on to fill in.

We also break our usual policy of not discussing the “hot-button” issues of the week and spend some time talking about the Patrick Chapin upgraded GRV ruling at the Pro Tour.

Links from the show:

Toby Elliott posting about Missed Trigger: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/telliott/2015/03/23/dtk-policy-changes-for-judges/

Annotated IPG about Missed Trigger: http://wiki.magicjudges.org/en/w/Annotated_IPG/Missed_Trigger

Riki’s Article on Whisperwood Elemental: http://mtgrikipedia.blogspot.com/2015/04/is-it-missed-4-whisperwood-elemental.html

Cedric Phllips’s Article about Chapin: http://www.starcitygames.com/article/30641_On-Patrick-Chapin-Round-Six-And-The-Importance-Of-First-Impressions.html


JudgeCast #112 – Be Kind, Don’t Rewind

Alternate proposed titles: “Backing up is hard to do,” “We got your backup,” “Baby got backup,” “Backup to the future,” and “The Way Backup Machine.” Also the words “Back that sass up” were said at one point.

On this episode, we have former host and Dawsons Creek fan Riki Hayashi on to cover the great umbrella that is Game Rule Violation in detail! We also take a deep dive into rewinds: How to perform a backup, when to perform them, and more importantly, when NOT to.

We also cover the other fixes for Game Rule Violation (including an exhaustive look into “leaving the game state as-is”), and the few partial fixes that are allowed. This is one of the most frequent infractions given at a competitive event, so there’s something in here for everyone!

Riki’s Feedback Blog: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/feedback/

Riki’s Other Blog: http://mtgrikipedia.blogspot.com/

Riki’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/mtgRikipedia
