JudgeCast #182 – Ixalan Release Notes

Vampires and Pirates and Dinosaurs, oh my! Let’s walk the dinosaur together as we prepare for Ixalan prerelease weekend with a review the new mechanics rules changes, and most interesting new cards from Ixalan.

You can check out the official release notes here: https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/feature/ixalan-release-notes-2017-09-15


JudgeCast #181 – Convention Magic with Kyle Knudson

L2 Kyle Knudson, Event Guru at Cascade Games, joins us to talk about Magic events that take place at conventions. We talk about his experiences at PAX, Comic-Con, and elsewhere. They’re great fun and great learning opportunities for level 1+ judges. Check it out!


Thanks to Kyle for joining us on this episode. You can reach him by email here: Kyle@cascadegames.com.
Be sure to check out upcoming Cascade Game conventions at CascadeGames.com and, as always, check out other opportunities at http://apps.MagicJudges.org.
