JudgeCast #80 – JudgeCast of the Week

On this episode we have very special guest John Temple on to talk about the Judge of the Week project. In a shocking twist, we’ve been nominated Judge of the Week and so John interviews us about JudgeCast’s past, present, and future!

Judge of the Week: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/jotw/

We also announce our build-a-bear contest winners! The winners and their winning submissions can be found below:

Hideaway Cub by Jeff Simmers

Hideaway Cub

Bear Cubling by Phil Miller

Bear Cubling


Bear Cubmander by Tim Sargent

Bear Cubmander


Thanks to everyone for all the great entries! All entries can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.644870622202765.1073741825.105788072777692&type=1


JudgeCast #79 – Tabak Tells Tall Tales

We have super duper special guest and rules manager for all of Magic Matt Tabak on to discuss his life at Wizards and his opinions on punctuation. Truly, we waste our too-short time with him. But he did sing the Duck Tales theme so we certainly can’t say it was all a waste.

This episode is easily one of our favorites and a great look at the behind-the-scenes of how the rules get made. We can’t wait to have Matt on again.

Our Build-A-Bear contest is still going! To enter, please submit your bear cub to judgecast@gmail.com or here: https://www.facebook.com/JudgeCast/posts/641879652501862

The deadline for this contest is Sunday, November 24th.

Tabak’s Tumblr: http://tabakrules.tumblr.com/

Tabak’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/tabakrules


