JudgeCast #78 – A Spooky Combat Phase

Gather you ghouls and goblins and other Halloween stereotypes you hear on costume commercials and prepare for a spooooooky episode on the combat phase! We cover such creepy topics as the beginning of combat step, the end of combat step, and everything in between.

We also announce a new contest! Create a bear cub card of your choosing, showcasing a unique picture or idea or name or anything! If we choose yours as the winner, you will win a judge foil to be announced! To enter please post the image to our facebook page or send it to judgecast@gmail.com.

An example card:



Links from the show:

Previous episode on steps of a turn: https://judgecast.com/?p=425

A possible image to use for contest: http://www.wildnatureimages.com/images%202/050612-100..jpg


JudgeCast #77 – Unsporting Sneetches

On this episode we talk about the “being a jerk” portion of Unsporting Conduct in the IPG: Aggressive Behavior, Major, and Minor. Want to know what happens when someone literally flips a table? This episode is for you!

As always we read e-mails from the listeners, including such hot topics as Master of Waves, bestow, and…Abu Ja’far?

Motel California series:





Sneetches for some reason:



JudgeCast #76 – Failure to Communicate

We got so behind on e-mails we decided to dedicate an entire episode to them! Listen as we discuss bestow some more, talk tournament policy, CJ fails to pronounce anything correctly, and answer a whopping 24 e-mails from listeners around the world.

Links from the show:

Yawgatog Changes: http://yawgatog.com/resources/rules-changes/m14-ths/

MTGCast Announcement: http://mtgcast.com/the-new-face-of-mtgcast

Very special thanks to Josh Carr and Rob Chronister for the JudgeCast e-mail praise/song. You can find the song and the lyrics at the following link: https://judgecast.com/?attachment_id=559

