JudgeCast #76 – Failure to Communicate

We got so behind on e-mails we decided to dedicate an entire episode to them! Listen as we discuss bestow some more, talk tournament policy, CJ fails to pronounce anything correctly, and answer a whopping 24 e-mails from listeners around the world.

Links from the show:

Yawgatog Changes: http://yawgatog.com/resources/rules-changes/m14-ths/

MTGCast Announcement: http://mtgcast.com/the-new-face-of-mtgcast

Very special thanks to Josh Carr and Rob Chronister for the JudgeCast e-mail praise/song. You can find the song and the lyrics at the following link: https://judgecast.com/?attachment_id=559



JudgeCast #75 – FAQ Bestowaway Special

Your devotion to JudgeCast has been strong and so we bestow upon you a special gift! This FAQ episode is a heroic undertaking to answer all of the major rules questions that might come up at your prerelease and beyond. Want to know how bestow works with almost anything? Wondering if equipment will trigger heroic? You won’t need to scry into a crystal ball to find out, just listen here!

Not knowing the rules can be monstrous, so make sure to listen as soon as you can.

FAQ: http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=mtg/faq/ths
