JudgeCast #171 – AlmondCat Release Notes

We are once again joined by Brogan King as we talk about the newest Magic set, AlmondCat! Oh wait… Amonkhet! Yeah, that one. We discuss the mechanics, what we love, what we hate, and some Madness Weirdness. And, of course, we go through a ton of interesting cards and rules interactions.

Amonkhet Release Notes: http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/feature/amonkhet-release-notes-2017-04-14


JudgeCast #170 – New world of Grand Prix

Listen to Channelfireball.com’s own Jon Saso and Mashi Scanlan talk about the new world of Grand Prix and the challenges they face ramping up from 12 GPs this year to ~55 next year!  What does this mean for the events, the players, and especially the judges?  We ask those questions and ask for your feedback.

Do you have more questions about judging at Grand Prix? Email us at JudgeCast@gmail.com.

Mashi also said in the show that he’s open to questions at Mashi@channelfireball.com.

You can give feedback about what you want out of GPs and also read the article Mashi mentions here: https://www.channelfireball.com/home/how-can-we-improve-your-grand-prix-experience/
