JudgeCast #213 – Types of information in Magic

There are four different types of information that exist in a game of Magic. The team breaks them down and goes over some examples of each, then talks about what happens when something goes wrong. When does a judge issue a warning for the (relatively rare) “Communication Policy Violation” Tournament Error?


JudgeCast #201 – Two-Headed Giant of Four Eyes.

On this episode we talk about everything 2HG, including the upcoming Battlebond supplemental set!  We also introduce Judge Tales: record and send us your favorite judge stories to be on the show! Last, but certainly not least, we ask you what Jess should do with the newly acquired www.bprill.com!

2HG quick reference: https://blogs.magicjudges.org/2hg/faq/

Battlebond Release Notes (Unavailable when we recorded): https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/feature/battlebond-release-notes-2018-06-01


JudgeCast #199 – Layers (Part 2) – aka “That’s no moon!”

In a continuation from episode 197, we talk about layers and how effects interact using them. We also talk a bit about dependencies, and reference too many moons (Blood Moon, Bad Moon, Imprisoned in the Moon, etc)


JudgeCast #197 – Layers (Part 1)

Judges talk about continuous effects until end of episode.

We reference copy effects, discussed in more detail here: https://judgecast.com/archives/1034

We also reference our Types episodes, which are here:  https://judgecast.com/archives/651 and here: https://judgecast.com/archives/659


JudgeCast #195 – Penalties

In which we discuss each penalty, why they’re given for various infractions, and how that applies at Regular vs. Competitive RELs.

Disqualification process and FAQ: https://blogs.magicjudges.org/o/disqualification-process/ 

Toby’s April Fools Challenge Flags article: https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/making-magic/introducing-challenge-flags-new-approach-appeals-2013-04-01
