JudgeCast #158 – Work/Judge/Life/Player Balance with Nik Zitomer

It’s important, when you have a podcast, to come up with great memorable titles for your episodes.

On this episode, we have fungus expert, L2, and prolific judge blogger Nik Zitomer on to talk about balancing out your work, judging, playing, and family life. We also talk about some of the advantages that Magic can give in all of those!

Nik’s article on the topic: https://theelvishfarmer.wordpress.com/2016/07/11/magic-the-balancing-judging-family-and-career/



JudgeCast #94 – Potpourri Party

On this episode, we each bring a smaller topic that doesn’t fill an entire episode but something we wanted to talk about. Learn about numbers! Setting life totals! Damage! Drawing cards! And the finer points of casting a spell.

We also celebrate a new L4, issue a correction from the previous episode, and read listener e-mails.


Steps of Casting a Spell Episode: https://judgecast.com/?p=531

Missed Trigger Episode: https://judgecast.com/?p=140

Annotated IPG on Missed Triggers: http://wiki.magicjudges.org/en/w/Annotated_IPG/Missed_Trigger
