JudgeCast #279 – RCQ First Impressions with Meg Rickman

In this episode Bryan and Samma bring on Meg Rickman to talk about the return of Local Comp Rel play. We discuss how it feels to “get back into it”, the return of local players, how to rebuild connections that might have atrophied over the pandemic and remind stores that they want to secure certified experienced judges early.


JudgeCast #275 – The Return of Premiere Play

In this episode Bryan and Samma talk about the recently announced changes to Wizards’ Premiere Play and a little bit about what judges can expect. Bryan rants (too much) about his dislike of PPTQs, while Samma waits for him to tucker himself out. Spoilers: Both agree that we are happy that something has returned, though.

Wizard’s Announcement: https://magic.gg/news/return-of-the-pro-tour-your-path-to-playing-magic-at-the-highest-level
Judge Academy’s compiled list of links: https://judgeacademy.com/2022-premier-play/
Staffing Recommendations for Events: https://judgeacademy.com/recommended-staffing-guidelines/
Direct Link to Premier Tournament Invitation Policy: https://assets.ctfassets.net/ryplwhabvmmk/2ZwbE9BQV1L4P1LjfeaW5F/c229126f05d0b77bdc68874ed34ad756/MTG_PTIP-2223_2022-03-31.pdf
