JudgeCast #233 Changes to Organized Play

Everything old is new again. Just when you got used to saying “MCQs are just like old PTQs”, we have to start saying “PTQs are just like old MCQs”. In this episode Brogan and Bryan talk about the changes to organized play and how it can and will effect events in your local communities.

Official OP Announcement:

WPN OP Announcement: https://wpn.wizards.com/en/article/introducing-players-tour-qualifiers


Judgecast #232 Judge Academy Interview with Tim Shields and Nicolette Apraez

Brogan and Bryan sit down with Tim Shields (Owner of Judge Academy) and Nicolette Apraez (Program Manager for Magic for Judge Academy) to talk about the hot topic everyone in the judge community is talking about. In this super-sized episode, you can hear first hand what the goals and upcoming challenges are for the new upcoming Certification body, and stick around for the post-show where Brogan and Bryan discuss their thoughts.

Judge Academy FAQ: https://judgeacademy.com/faq/
Wizards Statement: https://blogs.magicjudges.org/blog/2019/07/29/the-next-era-of-magic-judging/
Program Coordinator Statement: https://blogs.magicjudges.org/coordinators/2019/07/29/future-of-judge-program/
GenCon Q&A with Tim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1L_x6N1nnQw&t=30s


Judgecast #231 M20 IPG and MTR Updates

In this episode Brogan and Bryan discuss the M20 MTR and IPG policy changes. We go over updates to Deck Errors, Tardiness, the ever popular Hidden Card Error, as well as the much anticipated update to Mulligan Procedure Error in the wake of the London Mulligan.

July 12th IPG: https://wpn.wizards.com/sites/wpn/files/attachements/mtg_ipg_12jul19_en.pdf
July 12th MTR: https://wpn.wizards.com/sites/wpn/files/attachements/mtg_mtr_12jul19_en.pdf
Toby’s Policy Change Blog: https://blogs.magicjudges.org/telliott/2019/07/08/policy-changes-for-core-2020/
Scott Larabee’s Tournament Rules Update: https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/competitive-gaming/july-magic-tournament-rules-release-notes-2019-07-08


JudgeCast #230 – M20 Release Notes

Brogan and Bryan go over the rules and mechanics for several of the more complicated cards introduced with M20. And yes, we do complete our Release Notes checklist by talking about intervening-if clauses, alternate costs, copying spells, X being zero everywhere but the stack, and additional costs. Thank you for asking.


JudgeCast #229 – Hidden Card Error – Because… Narset

Special Guest Matt Williams (a.k.a Billy Willy) joins Brogan and Bryan to go over the ins-and-outs of the most complicated infraction in the IPG, Hidden Card Error. They discuss Tournament Scenarios, how to recognize HCE, what the fix is, and how to deliver the ruling, and flexi-discs.


JudgeCast #228 – The Many Mechanics of Modern Horizons

Brogan and Bryan team up with the Once and Future L2 Erik Aliff to discuss Future Sight 2, AKA Modern Horizons. In our Finest Hour, we outlast the nay-sayers and persist through all 45 mechanincs that appear on cards in Modern Horizons. We were hellbent on getting through all of them and created a 2 hour monstrosity of an episode. To accomplish this task, we delved into old show notes and dredged up old rules, and attempted to overload your senses with bad puns. ‘Snow Joke.
