JudgeCast #129 – Battle for Zendikar Release Notes Awokened!

In our quarterly tradition, we’re back with an episode all about the Battle for Zendikar release notes! We cover every mechanic in depth, and pick out the juiciest looking cards to give you a boost for playing in and judging your prerelease.

Want to learn how Awakening a spell might not always be the best move? How about how it interacts with manlands? How colorless is devoid? Converge, what’s the deal with that? How to handle “processing” when there are multiple piles of facedown exiled cards, I know that’s been eating away at you.

Come for the knowledge, stay for the awkward segues!

Release notes: http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/feature/battle-zendikar-release-notes-2015-09-23


JudgeCast Special – Battle for Zendikar Spoiler!

JudgeCast is excited to introduce Molten Nursery to the world! We spend this special episode discussing the card in-depth, including everything rules-related for the card and our own personal thoughts on all parts of the card, down to the flavor text.

Here’s the card you’ll all skip the episode to see:

Battle for Zendikar Spoiler - Molten Nursery

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