JudgeCast #211 – Tournament Policy Updates and MagicFest

There have been a lot of Magic announcements the last two weeks, and in this episode, we talk about as many as we can fit into an hour. There are tournament policy changes, MagicFest has been announced alongside Grand Prix next year, new Regional Coordinators have been selected, and JudgeCast’s own Bryan Prillaman was selected as the newest Judge Program Coordinator. And that doesn’t even mention the death of PPTQs!

Stuff we talked about in the show:
Grand Prix Schedule for 2019: https://www.cfbevents.com/2019

WotC’s announcement about MagicFest and Changes to Pro Tours – https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/competitive-gaming/2019-schedules-pro-tour-qualifying-and-magicfest-2018-10-04

Program Coordinators’ statement on Changes to Pro Tour Qualifying – https://blogs.magicjudges.org/coordinators/2018/10/04/statement-on-pro-tour-qualifying-system-changes/

Regional Coordinator Selection Process – https://blogs.magicjudges.org/blog/2018/10/01/regional-coordinator-selection-process-fall-2018-results/

Bryan Prillaman new Judge Program Coordinator! – https://blogs.magicjudges.org/coordinators/2018/10/01/introducing-the-fall-2018-program-coordinator-class-and-the-grand-prix-head-judge-lead/

Toby Elliott’s policy changes for Guilds of Ravnica – https://blogs.magicjudges.org/telliott/2018/10/01/policy-changes-for-guilds-of-ravnica/


JudgeCast #133 – A Very JudgeCast GP

All three hosts were at GP Atlanta! We spend this episode to talk about our experiences, including what our roles were and what we ended up doing throughout the weekend.

It was a big GP and a lot of fun, and our experiences range from the main event to every portion of side event. If you’ve ever wanted a behind-the-scenes look of how a GP is run, this is it.

And stay until the end for an abject lesson on reading Oracle text from CJ!
