JudgeCast #203 – The Sides Make the Meal

Join us as we talk to Level 3 judge and Grand Prix Side Events expert Eric Dustin Brown, also known as EDB, about side events. We ask him what is the best side, and why is it cornbread? He tells us how side events work and why they’re his favorite area of a GP to be working.


JudgeCast #60 – Billy Willy’s Public Events Fun Hour

GP Charlotte was the largest Magic event to date (And much bigger than estimated), which had some unique judging challenges. We have L2 Matt Williams (lovingly referred to as Billy Willy) on to discuss being at the GP with a focus on being the Public Events lead for an event with so very many people. We also talk paper cutters for much longer than rational people should.

As always, we read e-mails from listeners like you! This week had some real doozies, including a rant and proclamation by CJ about Hive Mind and/or Knowledge Pool.
